Tuesday, February 4, 2014

TPACK, but I think TPACK+T
By Jamie Guillaume

Yes I know TPACK sounds like some sort of gang member's name and you may be wondering where I am going with this acronym. However TPACK is actually a teaching model I learned about last summer. It stands for Technology, Pedagogy, Content, and Knowledge. These are essential elements for 21st Century instruction and learning.

The state provides the content to be taught.  Our training, reading, and experience as teachers provide the knowledge and pedagogy and what is left is technology.  This model encourages us to consider using a web tool or device to enhance instruction.

This model intertwines these four components of teaching in order to make the biggest impact on student learning. Although I agree with this model and find much validity in it, I think it lacks one descriptor, Theatrics!

The best lessons I have taught have a high level of knowledge about relevant content. They use technology to facilitate this information using a research-based teaching strategy along with a huge punch of drama!

As a parent, I think about potty training (content), you have the knowledge of the obvious benefits, you seek adivce from other parents for strategies (pedagogy), you look up other methods and reward ideas on Pinterest (technology) but without the jumping up and down and cheering to celebrate this achievement (theatrics), the behavior isn’t reinforced. Working and learning with kids requires drama and theatrics. We all love to be entertained! It helps a concept stick.

When planning lessons, consider using the TPACK model; it is a model designed for teaching 21st Century students. Pair theatrics with knowledge, content, technology, and pedagogy/theory and you have a creative and memorable lesson to convey information. Go TPCK+T!

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