Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Fun Tech Facts for Spring Break!

By Kris Walsh

I hope that everyone is enjoying their time off and recharging their batteries for the final quarter of the year! I didn't want to let a week go by without another exciting post to Techy Tuesday. (Though it is actually Wednesday... but hey, its Spring Break) I didn't think that anyone would want to read a long post about a new tech tool/idea, so I am just sharing some pictures and interesting facts that I thought you may enjoy.

I cannot take credit for any of the images or facts. Many came from a site I stumbled across called Others are from Google searches.

Here you go! Enjoy, and have a good rest of break!

It has been figured that the original iPhone, released in 2007, contained more computing power than all of NASA during the Apollo era. Just this week, Apple sold their 500 millionth iPhone.

The captions are hard to read, but they explain that the top drive held only 250 MB and cost tens of thousands of dollars and that we can now purchase a Micro SD card that holds 16 GB (64x as much storage) for about 11 bucks.

The above picture is a picture of one of the first hard drives. Made by IBM in 1956, it weighed over a ton and stored a mere 5 MB of information. (In comparison, 4 of those 3.5 inch floppy drives that we have not used in a decade would hold more!) 

The top caption reads, "Google uses an estimated 15 Billion KWh of electricity per year. More than most countries."

I couldn't resist a Mac reference :)

My favorite graphic of the bunch. This is what is happening, on average, on the internet every minute!

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